Patients diagnosed with cancer who have been granted authorization to use a test-at-home kit - TopUpKeep

Patients diagnosed with cancer who have been granted authorization to use a test-at-home kit


It has been determined that a unique device that will aid in minimizing the amount of time that cancer patients spend in the hospital has been awarded regulatory authorization

With the Liberty, patients are able to do blood tests in the convenience of their own homes, without the need for supervision, and then submit the results of those tests.

Clinicians feel that it has the potential to boost the efficiency of the National Health Service (NHS), while its users say that it helps them to minimize the number of mentally and physically taxing journeys to the hospital that they are required to take.

As a result of the device’s successful testing which took place at the Christie Hospital in Manchester, it will now be deployed at twelve other sites within the National Health Service.

On the other side, Cancer Research UK says that it has only been tried on a restricted number of persons up to this time. According to the organization, further study is necessary before we can decide whether or not it is possible to utilize it in the treatment of cancer on a more general scale.

Multiple blood tests are performed on a patient who is undergoing treatment for cancer. These tests are performed on the patient. Several health indicators, such as the total white blood cell count and the haemoglobin levels, are being monitored by the medical team, which is the reason why this observation is being made.

One of the patients who took part in the study, Lynn Thompson, who has been fighting both ovarian and bowel cancer since 2017, said that it was a huge relief to be able to complete some of those tests at home. Thompson was one of the patients who participated in the research.

It is Lynn A. Thompson

As far as she was concerned, the device was able to greatly reduce the amount of stress and anxiety that she experienced in her daily activity.
The reality is that I have never been more in love with the machine than I am right now. I have never been more in love with it. “It was so simple to comprehend and put into action,” the guy, who was 52 years old, said.

She said that it made it possible for her to be less reliant on a predefined schedule of hospital visits, which she found to be both physically and mentally demanding, especially in light of the fact that she was scared of needles. She also claimed that it made it possible for her to be less dependent on the hospital.

If I were to come into the blood room and make my way to the chair, it is quite possible that I would have already gone out by that point. My symptoms of illness continued throughout the day as a result of this domino effect; I felt really poorly.

In addition to the fact that it is nothing more than a simple finger prick that never causes any discomfort, the machine has taken away everything. The fact that there is just a little amount of blood and that it is then hidden away means that there is no need to be concerned or angry about the situation.

The device, which is roughly the size of a small printer, has the potential of relaying the findings of blood sample analysis directly to the teams working in the hospital.

An individual by the name of Sacha Howell, who is a senior professor in medical oncology at the University of Manchester, stated that the transition away from blood testing being carried out within the confines of hospitals and into the comfort of patients’ homes was not only more convenient for patients, but it also had the potential to result in cost savings for the National Health Service (NHS).

A measure that is sometimes referred to as “bloods closer to home” was recently implemented by the Christie, which is one of the largest cancer treatment institutes of its sort in Europe. Phlebotomy units have been disseminated across the neighborhood.

But it still means we have to staff those units, in order for the patients to be able to have the blood tests,” according to the physician who conducted them.

“If the patients were able to simply do them themselves at home, that would result in significant efficiencies.”

The results of the studies conducted at The Christie have been reasonably positive, despite the fact that the number of patients who participated in the trials has been rather low.

Within the framework of a home study, there have been a total of 22 individuals who have participated, including Lynn itself. In addition, there have been studies conducted for the sake of regulatory approval that have involved 470 participating individuals.

In accordance with Cancer Research, the low numbers suggested that a certain degree of caution was necessary

The business released a statement in which it said that “it is very early days” for this technology and that “further research is needed.”

“The regulatory approval does not give indications of effectiveness or clinical utility at this stage – those questions would need to be addressed in future clinical trials of the device before it could be used more widely,” according to the statement that was released.

Entia, the chief executive officer of the company that makes it, is confident about what he claims to be the world’s first ever blood count analyzer that patients may use in the convenience of their own homes.

“By providing insights into patients’ health status, the device empowers healthcare professionals to pre-emptively address complications, reducing hospitalizations and treatment interruptions,” the doctor Toby Basey-Fisher stated in his statement.

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